Become a member
Over $3 million raised to date for 100+ charities across Eastern Europe. Make an impact on a charity that matters to you!
How it works
  • Send us your details by filling the form. If your profile is suitable, we will create a lot featuring you and your experience and launch the auction.
  • Fundraise for the charity of your choice: the highest bid (minus our project development fee) will be transferred to the charity.
  • Enjoy the company of the auction winner at a carefully selected location.
  • Become a part of the Meet For Impact community and explore the networking and collaboration opportunities.
How it works
  • Send us your details by filling the form. If your profile is suitable, we will create a lot featuring you and your experience and launch the auction.
  • Fundraise for the charity of your choice: the highest bid (minus our project development fee) will be transferred to the charity.
  • Enjoy the company of the auction winner at a carefully selected location.
  • Become a part of the Meet For Impact community and explore the networking and collaboration opportunities.
Peter Jansen
Olga Kurylenko
Charles Rosier
Theodore Currentzis
Tessy Antony de Nassau
Join our growing community of top influencers dedicated to making a difference!
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MFC - foto

Online charity auctions platform featuring meetings with top influencers and exclusive experiences.
Bid, meet and make a difference!

$3 million
raised to date
for charity
More than
2 000 inspirational
100+ nonprofit partners across Eastern Europe
What do we do?
  • Every week we auction meetings with top opinion leaders — prominent businessmen, media personalities, cultural opinion leaders, politicians, and top athletes.
  • Donors bid for the opportunity to meet with the opinion leader.
  • The highest bid wins: the money raised goes to a charity supporting a worthy cause, and we organize the meeting between the winner and the opinion leader.
For Nonprofits